Autumn Woodland Bird Monitoring
On Sunday the 14th of April, the Upper Hopkins Land Management Group conducted their autumn round of Woodland Bird Monitoring. This completes five years of bird monitoring across these 3 sites. The sites being a remnant bushland site in the Ararat Hills Regional Reserve, a farm land remnant bush site on Burrumbeep Road and a farmland revegetation site on Wills Hill Road.
Conditions were excellent for birding and a good number of attendees were rewarded with good numbers of birds at each site. 29 species were recorded in the three x 20 minute surveys across the morning. With the high summer temperatures gone, several species were again present that have not been calling for several months. Both Rufous and Golden Whistlers were recorded. Despite some ‘scepticism’ by some about the call identification skills of the author of this article, a Scarlet Robin thought to be heard at the first 2 sites, was finally seen at the Wills Hill site!!
Another pleasing record, was that of the White-browed Babbler. This bird was recorded at the Wills Hill Rd site and goes to prove the vital importance of farmer revegetation efforts. These efforts result in providing habitat for declining species of Woodland Birds, as well as other animals. This sighting is at the southern extent of the Babbler’s range. The Babbler was recorded here 4 years ago, and this is the first recording in our twice yearly surveys since.
We will hopefully continue our surveys next spring. Thanks to all those that attended and to Deidre Andrews from Birdlife Australia – Horsham branch, for her assistance.
May is the month for Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, Swift Parrot and Regent Honeyeater survey opportunities in South west Victoria. Information for these opportunities can be found at the following web sites.