Welcome to the Spring 2019 Upper Hopkins LMG newsletter, my first as the Upper Hop-kins LMG Facilitator. Many thanks to Una for all of the work that she has achieved with Landcare and for the invaluable advice and guidance that she has provided to me in the last two months. I’m gradually getting to know everyone in the Upper Hopkins region – it’s been great to visit many landholders and see their projects in the ground. I look forward to getting to know more Landcare members.
Recently, we have started working on reviewing and revising the website – it will have a fresh new look and updated content before the end of the year. We have also been discussing updating the way we distribute the newsletter and other news from Upper Hopkins LMG. Please take a few minutes to contribute your thoughts by clicking on the link to this quick survey, or emailing me directly.
I hope to see many of you on the 10th of September for dinner and discussions at the Annual General Meeting, or on the 18th of October for the end-of-year Gather-ing with the Maroona Mob.