This project involved fencing 1.5 km creek frontage to protect the area from stock grazing. Fencing allows the regeneration of native trees, shrubs and grasses to complement the already excellent cover of remnant vegetation. This project will result in reduced erosion of the creek banks and improvement in water quality flowing into Lake Muirhead.
Type: Revegetation

Protecting a creek from erosion and rabbits

Adding to long-term revegetation projects
This project was the second stage of a project in hill country north of Maroona.

Creating wildlife corridors and biolinks
Mt William Pastoral established an extensive wildlife corridor on Snake Road that includes a planting of five rows of various native trees – 4500 trees in total along the 3.2 km corridor.This project will enhance existing remnants in the area, as well as a link to scattered trees in paddocks to the west.

Upstream earthworks and revegetation enhances the Hopkins River
This project focused on controlling erosion in a small gully using earthworks to stabilise the 0.88ha site and then planting 300 Indigenous trees and shrubs.